Stylish, Remote & Exclusive

Salmon fishing takes place on the two estate rivers, the Inver and the Kirkaig, and there are excellent hill lochs for wild brown trout fishing, either from the boat or the bank.

The River Inver runs for approximately six miles from Loch Assynt west to Lochinver Bay and comprises varied stretches from fast gorges, large gravel pools to walkways and croys with boat fishing for salmon on the upper beat. Fish usually enter the river system in April and catches build throughout the season. Requirements and suitability can be discussed with Craig and the River Manager, Cameron Kennedy.

The River Kirkaig run is approximately three miles long, running the 60ft Kirkaig Falls west to the Kirkaig Bay. A spectacular gorge, the top and middle beats are not for the faint-hearted and do require some scrambling but offer thrilling fishing while the lower beat is rather more accessible. The Kirkaig is a truly wild, beautiful piece of water with challenging fishing but rewards can be great and big fish well over 20lbs are caught every year. There are a number of beats from which to choose and, as with the Inver, these need to be booked in good time beforehand as both rivers are highly popular.

Sutherland has some of the best brown trout fishing in Scotland.  Inchnadamph Estate and the surrounding area is famous geologically for outcrops of the Durness Limestone and many lochs have limestone spring sources. A consequence of this is that a number of lochs enjoy a mayfly hatch in June and early July and this can provide some excellent sport.


Contact Us

To enquire about renting the house or cottage at Inchnadamph Estate, please contact Pam & David Burgess:

Telephone: 01349 883783

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